I have a lot to be grateful for this season. I have wonderful kids. I have a wonderful family. I also have the best partner in the world. It is amazing to me that I’ve gone so long without knowing what partnership really is. I just “rolled with the punches” through a number of pretty abusive situations and just thought that I was really awful enough to deserve those situations. My wife is my rock. She will be honest with me on how things look from her perspective and I can count on her perspective to help me be better. I’m so accustomed to petty low blows and ridiculous gaslighting that it really did take me a while to settle into what my wife and I share. I’m still learning, to be honest. She is as well. But we’re growing together, we’re learning together, and we’re building and maintaining a strong partnership that will see us both through the best of times as well as the worst of times. So long as we have each other, the worst of times will never be worse than before we met. She is precious to my heart in ways that I had no idea a person could be. She’s my best friend, my lover, my world. She brings a light to my life that I’ve never had before. I love you, Amber.